
Nimbus, SimpleRead, YouTube dual subtitles, Screenshot Youtube,

AdBlock, Vimium, Immersive translate, 沙拉查词, IE Tab, TamperMonkey,

Gitako/Octotree, Enhanced GitHub, gitlab treeRestlet, Referer ControlModHeader


F7 toggle光标浏览模式(方向键变为光标导航,页面滚动会很不方便)

/  find mode; n/N; ?:help;

f  open link in the current tab; F; Alt+F:进入打开多标签模式!

T  visited tabs; t:new tab

b  open a bookmark; B;

o  open url, bookmark, history or search(如搜索引擎配置中的b+空格) in current tab; O;

J  left tab;K; gT;gt; g0;g$:first/last tab; w/e;

x  close current tab; X:restore

^  previous tab; yt: duplicate current tab

i  insert mode; gi:first input; v:visual mode; V;

H  back; L; r/R;

d  scroll down half page; u; j/k/h/l;

yy copy the current url to the clipboard; p/P;

ge edit the current URL

Alt + p pin or unpin current tab

Alt + m mute or unmute


unmap e
unmap w
map e nextTab
map w previousTab
map J nextTab
map K previousTab
map R reload hard
* prev/next
  prev,previous,Previous,back,<,←,«,≪,<<,上一页,上一頁,上1页,上1頁,上页,上頁,翻上頁,翻上页,上一张,上一張,上一幅,上一章,上一节,上一節,上一篇,前一页,前一頁,后退,後退,上篇,previous Page,前へ
  next,NEXT,Next,more,>,→,»,≫,>>,下一页,下一頁,下1页,下1頁,下页,下頁,翻页,翻頁,翻下頁,翻下页,下一张,下一張,下一幅,下一章,下一节,下一節,下一篇,后一页,後一頁,前进,下篇,后页,往后,Next,Next Page,次へ
* search engine
g: https://www.google.com/search?q=%s Google
y: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%s Youtobe
b: https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%s Baidu
zh: https://www.zhihu.com/search?type=content&q=%s 知乎
jd: https://search.jd.com/Search?keyword=%s 京东
tb: https://s.taobao.com/search?q=%s 淘宝
db: https://www.douban.com/search?q=%s 豆瓣
yk: https://so.youku.com/search_video/q_%s 优酷
bz: https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=%s B站